Mat-Su Valley

York Rite Masons

The stated meeting nights are the 2nd Wednesday of each month, except June, July and August Dinner local restaurant 6 PM
All meetings begin at 7 PM and are held at the Matanuska Masonic Temple located at 1022 South Cobb Street, Palmer, Alaska.

The Chapter meets January, April, and October.

The Council meets February, May, and November.

The Commandery meets March, September, and December.


Mat-Su Valley Chapter No.4

Royal Arch Masons

2023 Officers

High Priest Nicholas Adair PGHP
King John May
Scribe Rich Olsen, PHP
Treasurer Lee O. Seagondollar, PGHP
Secretary Dennis N. Oakland, PGHP


Mat-Su Valley Council No. 4

Royal and Select Masters

2023 Officers

Illustrious Master Nicholas Adair PGIM
Deputy Master John May
Conductor of the Council Rich Olsen, PIM
Treasurer Lee O. Seagondollar, PGIM
Secretary Dennis N. Oakland, PGIM



Mat-Su Valley Commandery No. 4

Knights Templar

2023 Officers

Eminent Commander SK Nicholas Adair PGC
Generalissimo SK John May
Captain General SK Rich Olsen
Recorder SK Dennis N. Oakland PGC
Treasurer SK Lee O. Seagondollar PGC




Grand York Rite of Alaska

Last updated December 24, 2018