Welcome to the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Alaska

"Every Christian Mason should be a Knight Templar"

Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Alaska
518 E. 14th Ste. 1
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
(907) 982-5978
Email the Grand Recorder:
yorkrite (at) mtaonline (dot) net


2023 Officers

Right Eminent Grand Commander SK Harry Telling
Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander SK James Hogg
Eminent Grand Generalissimo SK Bruce Kling
Eminent Grand Captain General SK Prince Selvaraj
Eminent Grand Senior Warden SK Charles Ward IV
Eminent Grand Junior Warden SK Micheal Reahl
Eminent Grand Recorder SK Dennis Oakland
Eminent Grand Treasurer SK Dale Cain
Eminent Grand Prelate SK Dale Cain
Eminent Grand Standard Bearer SK Keith Herve
Eminent Grand Sword Bearer SK James LaFlore
Eminent Grand Warder SK Rickhart Rowland
Eminent Grand Sentinel SK Gregory Russell


Past Grand Commanders of Alaska
2003 - 2004 (Honorary) SK James W. Morton** (Posthumous)
2003 - 2004 SK David A. Hunt
2004 - 2005 SK Charles E. Corbin**
2005 - 2006 SK Stanley R. Foulke
2006 - 2007 SK Fred V. Angleton**
2007 - 2008 SK Don G. Chaffin
2008 - 2009 SK Leonard C. Bibler**
2009 - 2010 SK Littleton F. "Buck" Buxton**
2010 - 2011 SK Mitchell R. Miller
2011 - 2012 SK Eugene D. Prentice
2012 - 2013 SK Lee O. Seagondollar
2013 - 2014 SK Johnnie L. Wallace
2014 - 2015 Vacated
2015 - 2016 SK Alvin S. Kelly
2016 - 2017 SK Steven Steele
2017 - 2018 SK Dennis Oakland
2018 - 2019 SK Joseph MacIntyre
2019 - 2020 SK John Johnson
2020 - 2022 SK Richard Brown
2022 - 2023 SK Nicholas Adair

Grand York Rite of Alaska

Last updated March 14, 2023